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Under Construction

Static analysis

The challenge gives the webpage files so i started checking the code. In the ìndex.js file we can see the diferent paths we have: /, /auth and /logout. Everything looks right here so the next thing we can check is the AuthMiddleware that is what make sure if a user is logged in and who the user is.

The middleware is checking the cookies for a JWT token that will be decoded using the JWTHelper and if the token is right, the application will take the user name from the decoded token and check it in the database using the DBHelper. If the user exists the application sends the user to the index and if not it sends an error message. If the the token is incorrect or missing, the application responds with an error or redirecting to the login page respectively.

Let's talk about the helpers. Look's like the JWTHelper just contains functions to sign and verify/decode JWT tokens, the thing is that in the decode function the application is allowing the HS256, a symmetric algorithm, to verify the JWT. This means that we can sign tokens using the public key if we specify HS256 as the algorithm (JWT confusion attack). About the DBHelper, it is mostly ok but for the getUser function because it is vulnerable to SQL injection. This function is called with the username contained in the JWT token to check if the user exists so we can enumerate the database.


I wrote a Python script that generate the JWTs with a SQL injection payload, sends the tokens and parse the responses to make my life easier. We also know that the databse is SQLite (We know what payloads to use).

First to get the tables we can use:

' OR 1=2 UNION SELECT 1, group_concat(tbl_name), 3 FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and tbl_name NOT like 'sqlite_%' -- -

Result --> flag_storage,users

Cool the flag_storage table looks promising let's enumerate it:

' OR 1=2 UNION select 1,group_concat(name),3 from pragma_table_info('flag_storage') -- -

Result --> id,top_secret_flaag

Now we can just get the flag with:

' OR 1=2 UNION select 1,group_concat(top_secret_flaag),3 from flag_storage -- -